[1] Even for a site like Hungama which offers music at very competitive options, if they enable buying music with your SBI atm card(like the way we buy train tickets), then so many people would buy legal music. But they lack the far sightedness an energy because of which there is no advancement in this direction.
[2]Parallely, all websites blogs and forums which allow illegal downloads, their IP addresses need to be blocked and regular monitoring is required. Liability of services like Google Adsense and Rapidshare should be drawn by legal procedures so that they do cannot shrug off their shoulder from any responsibility, while their services are being used on a massive scale to share music illegally.

Google claims itself to a top notch innovator inventor blah blah. can't it work on a search engine algorithm that slashes down the SEO rankings of pirate sites? After all, it is through google only that everyone searches for pirate sites, torrents etc etc.But why would they until it cost them their money and no one is also bothering them?
[3] The music industry should also work to promote music on its own. To create excitement among listeners about upcoming music, so that the physical format to makes good sales. Currently the attitude of music companies is to treat a potential Pop album the same way as a Bhajan album. Except Universal records, all other music companies are like that. Moreover, the shithole bollywood film industry has reduced the value of music as a promotional tool. How will music survive and make a place in people's attention?