Since the early nineties, when cable television made a big boom in India, various channels have come and gone. Those who stayed grew from tiny to big to bigger. Among all the dozens of saans-bahu channels, the quota of music channels have always been comparatively small. But still these are the most watched channels per se, as they do not have a lot of programs with “at certain time of the day” schedules. Just look at MTV or channel V or anything else of that sort. Most of us, the random channel surfers, would definitely go through these channels when we sit down in front of the TV. We look out for something interesting, quick entertainment in these channels, which in case if we do not get, jump to another channel and jump and jump and comeback to the same channel. The content being random, so is our channel surfing.
Gone are the days when these music channels used to be our sole source of entertainment and fun. I remember when I was in 10th Grade, I would hardly miss a single episode of MTV Most Wanted. I would stick to the TV like a gecko. But now all such music based shows have been replaced by fashion tips shows, youth sow, hoards of reality tv shows and everything non-musical under the sun.
Musical content of the music channels have been reduced to 30 second to 2 minute long bollywood promos. What a shit! Not even full songs, as these channels do show the full songs until the movie in question has become old enough to lure any more theater-goer.
The spate of music is very bad indeed! And this makes aspiring musicians like us, at an even greater danger. Danger of never ever coming into the scene.